Saturday, April 24, 2010

Food and Emotions

English 102

Dr. McCormick

13 April 2010

Frances Duran

Although food can be characterized as a form of survival, can it also have more of a depth meaning to it? It has always been known that food and our emotions have constantly been connected, for instance when we are angry, mad, sad or even happy we end up always reaching for that big piece of chocolate cake that we end up regretting the next day. But what others may not come to recognize is that food and emotions have many ways of expressing themselves, this can be clarified in stories such as Like Water for Chocolate, by Laura Espuirel, Odyssey book 11, as well as in poems like The Dinner Party by Peter Washington. Food and emotions, in majorly have also been said to have negative influences when associated. But that may not be entirely true, food and emotions can combine and create beautiful dishes or even memories. It can be apparent that when it comes to food and emotions much can be articulated, whether it is good or bad and that can be insinuated in numerous ways.

     Food has always been known as "any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, and promote growth" but it can sometimes be a form of emotion or feeling that we displayed to others (dictionary). In the story Like Water for Chocolate the cake that Tita had to make for her sister's wedding showed her true feelings of her thoughts on the marriage. After the fondant icing was done Nacha, the maid, acknowledged her feelings and said to Tita "…I know how you feel, so stop crying, you're getting the meringue watery, and it won't set up properly, go now, go"(pg 35Esquirel). Nacha insists that Tita get some rest. Alone in the kitchen, Nacha tastes the cake icing to see if Tita's tears have made it salty. At first the favor did not seem to have steered, but is suddenly it overcome with a sense of immense loss. She was so sick she could not attend the wedding. It was apparent that Tita feelings had fluttered on to the cake and there was no way around it. Eventually the guests begin to eat the wedding cake. Their bouts of vomiting proved that her sadness at the preparation of the cake was shown and the entire wedding party is ruined. Thus this expresses that even the way you prepare or present your food to others can also have a huge effect and demonstrates your feelings. At times I even see this at home. My mother, which I believe is the best cook in the world, at times slips up and sometimes burns the rice because either she is angry about something or just extremely tried that she forgets to check the rice.

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